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MOONBIFFY Reusable Dough Lattice Roller Cutter Pull for Pizza Pastry Cutter Pie Craft Net Wheel Knife Baking Tool Bakeware

MOONBIFFY Reusable Dough Lattice Roller Cutter Pull for Pizza Pastry Cutter Pie Craft Net Wheel Knife Baking Tool Bakeware

Regular price €8,55 EUR
Regular price Sale price €8,55 EUR
Sale Sold out
Tax included.



Kit Number: >12

Material: Plastic

Origin: Mainland China

Baking & Pastry Tools Type: Pastry Cutters

Model Number: WA3344

Type: Baking & Pastry Tools

Feature: Eco-Friendly

Feature: Stocked

Product: dough lattice roller

Use for: dough/pasty/pizze cutter

Package includes: 1pc pastry roller cutter

Diameter of the roller:: 4.5cm

Width: 5cm

Handle Length: 12cm

Plastic Dough Lattice Roller Cutter Pull Net Wheel Knife Pizza Pastry Cutter Pie Craft Making Tool Baking Accessories

Product: dough lattice roller

Color: white

Material: plastic

Large size: 12*19.5cm/4.7*7.7inch

Use for: dough/pasty/pizze cutter

Packaga include: 1pc pastry roller cutter


A perfect lattice roller cutter. Craft grid tool tops for pies and bread in seconds with a simple roll action.

Ideal for pastries, pastry surface when fishnet pattern is pulled out, ideal for making cookies, chocolate,

bread, cakes, pizza, pastries, etc.

Perfect handle length, comfortable grip, smooth use, very easy to clean, punching design at the end for easy storage.



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$(".buyStore").show(); } } else { console.log(t.message); } }); } //------------------------定制100g计算器模块start---------------------- //定制100g计算器菜单事件,弹出对话框 $("body").on("click", "#btnDiy100", function () { if($(".diy100").length){ $(".diy100").show(); $('.sweet-overlay').show(); $('body').attr('class','aside-expanded-true pace-done stop-scrolling'); }else{ $('.sweetAlert').removeClass('zndjpop').removeClass('qydjlre').removeClass('qydjlrl').removeClass('diy100'); $('.aeplgcon ul li.nav').removeClass('now'); $('#btnDiy100').parent().addClass('now'); swal({ title: "定制计算器", showConfirmButton: false, text: $('#region_diy_div').html(), html: true, customClass: "sweetAlert aezsmain diy100", allowOutsideClick: false }); if ($(".showSweetAlert select[name='selectTemplate']").chosen) { $(".showSweetAlert select[name='selectTemplate']").chosen(); } if ($(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").chosen) { $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").chosen(); } } }); //选择模板下拉框后的事件 $('body').on('change', '#selectDiyTemplate', function () { var templateId = $(this).children('option:selected').val(); diySheet.setValue("G2", "", true); for (var i = 3; i < tableRowSizeDiy; i++) { diySheet.setRowData(i, ["","","","","","","","","","",""]); } if (templateId == "") { return; } var param={ method:'ajax', params: { url: domain + '/seller/getTeamplateById?templateId=' + templateId, xhrFields: {withCredentials: true} } }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(param,function(t){ ($('.showSweetAlert #diySheet')[0]).jexcel = null; $('.showSweetAlert #diySheet').html(""); diySheet = jexcel($('.showSweetAlert #diySheet')[0], diyOptions()); if (!t.message && t.result) { var template = JSON.parse(; //合并所有发货地的热门国家,用来勾选区域定价的国家 getPriceHotCountry(t.result); //初始化海外仓下拉框 var html = ""; if (t.result.overseasData) { var overseas = JSON.parse(t.result.overseasData); for (var key in overseas) { html += ""; } } $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").html(html); $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").trigger("chosen:updated"); $(".showSweetAlert .locationCountry #locationSelect").off("change").on('change', function (e, params) { if (params.selected == "CN") { template.shippingCountry = "CN"; template.type = t.result.templateType; template.volumeSize = t.result.volumeSize; templateData = template; } else { var tempOverseasAll = JSON.parse(t.result.overseasData); var temp = tempOverseasAll[params.selected]; temp.type = t.result.templateType; temp.shippingCountry = params.selected; templateData = temp; } if(templateData){ initDiyData(templateData, templateData.shippingCountry); } }); logisticsDiscount = t.result.logisticsDiscount; template.type = t.result.templateType; template.shippingCountry = "CN"; templateData = template; initDiyData(template, "CN"); } else { swal("", t.message, "error"); } }); }); function initDiyData(template, shippingCountry) { var exchangeRate = template.exchangeRate; var serviceRate = localStorage.getItem("serviceRate"); var wreckRate = localStorage.getItem("wreckRate"); if (exchangeRate == undefined || exchangeRate == "") { exchangeRate = localStorage.getItem("exchangeRate"); exchangeRate = exchangeRate ? exchangeRate : 6.6; } if (serviceRate == undefined || serviceRate == "" || serviceRate == "undefined") { serviceRate = 5; } if (wreckRate == undefined || wreckRate == "" || wreckRate == "undefined") { wreckRate = 2; } diySheet.setValue("A2", exchangeRate, true); diySheet.setValue("B2", serviceRate, true); diySheet.setValue("C2", 0, true); diySheet.setValue("D2", template.goodsWeight, true); diySheet.setValue("F2", wreckRate, true); diySheet.setValue("G2", template.fee, true); diySheet.setValue("H2", '=ROUNDUP(C2/A2+G2+E2*(B2+F2)/100, 2)', true); diySheet.setValue("I2", '=ROUNDUP(J2/A2/E2*100,2)', true); diySheet.setValue("J2", '=ROUNDUP((E2-H2)*A2,2)', true); diySheet.setValue("K2", '=E2', true); for (var i = 3; i < tableRowSizeDiy; i++) { diySheet.setRowData(i, ["","","","","","","","","","",""]); } if (template.type != "NORMAL" && template.type != "NORMAL_100") { hotCountries = sortCountrys(template.countrys); for (var j = 0; j < hotCountries.length; j++) { var row = j + 4; var countryLogis = []; var countryLogistic = hotCountries[j]; countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.countryName); //A countryLogis.push(; //B countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.logisName); //C countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.firstWeight); //D countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.firstWeightFee); //E if (countryLogistic.overWeight == undefined || countryLogistic.overWeight == "") { countryLogis.push(1); //F countryLogis.push((countryLogistic.overWeightFee/1000).toFixed(4));//G } else { countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.overWeight); //F countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.overWeightFee); //G } countryLogis.push(countryLogistic.registrationFee); //H countryLogis.push("=ROUNDUP(E" + row + "+H" + row + "+ROUNDUP((D2-D" + row + ">0 ? D2-D" + row + ":0)/F" + row + ",0)*G" + row + ",2)");//I countryLogis.push("=ROUNDUP(I" + row + "/A2-G2>0.01 ? I" + row + "/A2-G2:0,2)"); countryLogis.push(""); diySheet.setRowData(j + 3, countryLogis); } } } // 填充报价使用 function assemblePricesForDiy() { var prices = {}; prices.templateName = $(".showSweetAlert [name='selectTemplate']").children('option:selected').html(); = diySheet.getValue("K2"); prices.serviceRate = diySheet.getValue("B2"); prices.cost = diySheet.getValue("C2"); prices.weight = diySheet.getValue("D2"); prices.discountRate = 0; prices.wreckRate = diySheet.getValue("F2"); prices.globalSwitch = true; for (var i = 4; i < (tableRowSizeDiy + 1); i++) { var country = diySheet.getValue("B" + i); if (country) { prices["price-" + country] = diySheet.getValue("J" + i); } } return prices; } // 当修改重量后重新计算包邮费用 function recomputeFreeFee(el, records) { var skip = true; for (var ri = 0; ri < records.length; ri++) { if (records[ri].row == 1 && records[ri].col == 3) { skip = false; break; } } if (skip) return; var weight = diySheet.getValue("D2"); var exchangeRate = diySheet.getValue("A2"); if (templateData.otherCountrys && templateData.otherCountrys.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < templateData.otherCountrys.length; i++) { var otherCountry = templateData.otherCountrys[i]; if (otherCountry.countryName == templateData.feeFreeCountry) { var fee; var firstWeight = otherCountry.firstWeight; var firstWeightFee = otherCountry.firstWeightFee; var registrationFee = otherCountry.registrationFee; var overWeight = otherCountry.overWeight; var overWeightFee = otherCountry.overWeightFee; if (overWeight == undefined || overWeight == "") { var size = maltose.complexEval((weight - firstWeight > 0 ? weight - firstWeight : 0),0); fee = maltose.complexEval((firstWeightFee + registrationFee + size * overWeightFee / 1000) / exchangeRate, 2); } else { var size = Math.ceil(maltose.complexEval((weight - firstWeight > 0 ? weight - firstWeight : 0) + '/' + overWeight,2), 0); fee = maltose.complexEval((firstWeightFee + registrationFee + size * overWeightFee) / exchangeRate, 2); } diySheet.setValue("G2", fee, true); return; } } } } //------------------------定制100g计算器模块end------------------------


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